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Set Us Free

By Jacquelyn Fedor
2011 - 05 - 23

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Throughout history when people have come together in one voice, in one accord to cry out to God, He was faithful to intervene. To name a few instances, when Israel was in slavery to Egypt, they cried out to God to set them free and He did. During the age of the Maccabees the people wanted to see the restoration of God's rule and culture. Most had been assimilated into the existing world government and its systems, but a few remembered and were loyal to God's ways. They said, "enough is enough", took a stand against their enemies and God intervened, giving them the victory. New Testament, Peter and John joined with others as recorded in Acts 4:24, asking God to stretch out His hand to help them to be bold enough to speak the Word to hostile groups, asking also that He would do signs and wonders through the name of Jesus.
Acts 4:24, 31
24 So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: "Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, (In other words, they acknowledged God as the Creator, exposing Satan as the destroyer behind their problems.)
31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. (God intervened.)
The same God is alive and well today and still ready to hear when we cry out in one accord, in one voice. As the present systems fail and the world crumbles around us, it might be a perfect time to ask the Creator to intervene once again on behalf of humanity and in fact for all of creation. Things are approaching critical. Satan is pushing harder and harder for the destruction of earth's inhabitants and using man to accomplish his evil schemes. Look at the slaughter of humanity. Mothers killing their children, children killing their parents, pet abuse, random killing of innocent bystanders etc. Jesus encouraged us to pray to the Father, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". If only the Kingdom of God was established today, there would be no corruption, decay, mold, sickness or death affecting earth's inhabitants. All would be good. It is God's will that this planet be the perfect home for mankind.
As we discussed in the previous blast, the devil and his followers have tried hard to ruin our planet. Look at the earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, oil spills etc. making earth a death-trap for man and the animal kingdom. To stop the law of unity that produces unstoppable power, Satan has caused people to come against each other, dividing us into groups, nations, religions, and governments, all aimed at causing division. We should refuse to serve him by not taking part in his culture, lending a hand to his systems, or seeking the pleasures of his world, thereby stopping his plans to destroy us. This means no more wars, no more accusing our brethren and wrongly blaming them for our circumstances. Those that Satan has offered superiority, that foolishly think they will one day rule the world, must stop manipulating the weather, hoarding the earth's resources and trying to enslave their brothers. We are all one blood, have one Creator and this planet is our home. Satan is not our friend. He comes to steal, kill and destroy along with the evil hoards that follow his instructions. We are unknowingly being very misled by the enemy found in Ephesians 6:12.
Ephesians 6:12
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
As we can see from scripture, these are supernatural beings that influence us to carry out their desires to gain complete control of all the Creator gave to man. Satan accomplishes this simply by causing man to break spiritual law. Through lawlessness the Devil attempts to prove to God we are not eligible or worthy of His love and protection, and accuses us of not loving Him or each other. He brings as hard evidence all those that label themselves atheists, rebels and those that take pride in lawlessness. Look around you. How many people do you see that are a part of the enemy's testimony against us? The majority of mankind has been fooled into becoming witnesses bearing evidence for the wrong side and do not even know it! Wake up humanity!
Let us pull off the veil of deception, and open our eyes to the cleverness, deceit, and shrewdness that guides man's systems, the evil demonic strategy behind war and see how the enemy controls mankind through fear, poverty and yes, one of the biggest, religion. There is one family of God. If we refuse to pull together, then we form a second family that is in opposition to God's family. If we cannot love one another, help one another, and love our Creator, then we are not a part of the human race that God considers His. The planet, and all on it is to be possessed by the household of God, His family. Understanding all this, what if we, with one voice, in one accord, cried out to Him, would He defend us against our unseen enemies and the people they work through? Could we perhaps set a time that would sync all time zones to cry out at the same moment to God "set us free!" making us one voice, in one accord? No telling what would happen in the supernatural and perhaps a big change would even be witnessed on earth!
God is the great Judge. We can establish ourselves as witnesses for the Kingdom of God by acknowledging who the enemy really is, or we can be accomplices to the crimes and share in his sentence. I would rather testify against him as an eye witness to his crimes and provide hard evidence that will lead to his capture. I would rather have a part in rendering helpless all who follow him, be it supernatural beings or those that serve him on earth. Hopefully the great Judge will decree the verdict, "guilty as charged" and the earth and all on it will be set free and restored to its rightful owners.
In closing, if you see any merit in what has been said, perhaps you would like to join with others across the earth June 8th (Pentecost) at the moment set for your time zone to cry out to God with one voice, in one accord, "Set Us Free, Let Your Kingdom Come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven". Then let's praise Him, all at one time, all across the earth! At least the Father would be happy to see the unity once again that He saw in the upper room in the early church. Maybe He would even smile and be glad He created man after all.
If you wish to participate, we have included for your convenience, a list of the exact times for all areas or zones so you can be in sync with the rest of the world.
Time Zones

1:00 AM UTC-11 (no DST) American Samoa, Samoa,

2:00 AM UTC-10 (no DST) Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Hawaii

4:00 AM UTC-9 French Polynesia, Alaska

5:00 AM UTC-8 Cities: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Vancouver, Whitehorse, Tijuana

6:00 AM UTC-7 Cities: Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Calgary, Yellowknife, Hermosillo, Ciudad Juárez, Mazatlán

6:00 AM UTC-6 (no DST) Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua: Cities: Belize City, Guetemala City, San Salvador, Tegucigalpa

7:00 AM UTC-6 Chile; Cities: Chicago, Dallas, Guadalajara, Houston, Managua, Mexico City, Minneapolis, Monterrey, New Orleans, Regina, St. Louis, San José

7:00 AM UTC-5 (no DST) Cayman Islands, Columbia, Ecuador, Haiti, Jamaica, Navassa Island, Panama, Peru; Cities: Lima, Quito, Bogotá, Port-au-Prince, Kingston

8:00 AM UTC-5 Bahamas, Cuba, Turks and Caicos Islands; Cities: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Atlanta, Miami, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Ottawa, Montréal, Québec, Toronto, Havana, Iqaluit

7:30 AM UTC-4:30 (no DST) Venezuela

8:00 AM UTC-4 (no DST) Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Virgin Islands

9:00 AM UTC-4 Bermuda; Canadian Provinces: Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, East Quebec

9:30 AM UTC-3:30 Canadian provinces: Southeast Labrador, Newfoundland

9:00 AM UTC-3 (no DST) Argentina, Brazil, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Greenland, Suriname, Uruguay

10:00 AM UTC-3 St-Pierre and Miquelon

10:00 AM UTC-2 (no DST) Brazil Ocean Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

11:00 AM UTC-1 (no DST) Cape Verde

12:00 PM UTC-1 Portugal; Cities: Ponta Delgada

12:00 PM UTC±0 (no DST) Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo; Cities: Abidjan, Accra

1:00 PM UTC±0 Faeroe Islands, Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Morocco; Cities: London, Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon

1:00 PM UTC+1 (no DST) Namibia, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Congo; Cities: Kinshasa, Lagos,

2:00 PM UTC+1 Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Vatican City; Cities: Amsterdam, Belgrade, Berlin, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Brussels, Madrid, Paris, Zagreb, Rome, Stockholm, Oslo, Warsaw, Skopje

2:00 PM UTC+2 (no DST) Egypt, Botswana, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Libya, Rwanda, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe; Cities: Cairo, Johannesburg

3:00 PM UTC+2 Finland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria; Cities: Athens, Sofia, Riga, Helsinki, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Bucharest, Vilnius

3:00 PM UTC+3 (no DST) Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Madagascar, Mayotte, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Southern Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen; Cities: Nairobi, Baghdad, Khartoum, Mogadiscio

4:30 PM UTC+3:30 Iran; Cities: Tehran

4:00 PM UTC+4 (no DST) Georgia, Mauritius, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Oman, Réunion, Seychelles, United Arab Emirates; Cities: Tbilisi, Dubai

5:00 PM UTC+4 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia; Cities: Baku, Yerevan, Moscow

5:30 PM UTC+4:30 Afghanistan; Cities: Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-i Sharif

5:00 PM UTC+5 (no DST) Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; Cities: Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi

5:30 PM UTC+5:30 (no DST) India, Sri Lanka; Cities: Ahmedabad, Bengalaru, Chennai, Colombo, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Thiruvananthapuram

5:45 PM UTC+5:45 (no DST) Nepal; Cities: Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Patan, Pokhara

6:00 PM UTC+6 (no DST) Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan; Cities: Astana, Almaty, Bishkek, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet

7:00 PM UTC+6 Russia

6:30 PM UTC+6:30 (no DST) Cocos Islands, Myanmar

7:00 PM UTC+7 (no DST) Cambodia, Christmas Island, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam

8:00 PM UTC+7 Russia

8:00 PM UTC+8 (no DST) Australia, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan

9:00 PM UTC+8 Russia

8:45 PM UTC+8:45 (no DST) Australia

9:00 PM UTC+9 (no DST) Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Palau, Timor-Leste; Cities: Seoul, Tokyo

10:00 PM UTC+9 Russia

9:30 PM UTC+9:30 (no DST) Australia

10:00 PM UTC+10 (no DST) Australia, Guam, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Papua New Guinea

11:00 PM UTC+10 Russia

10:30 PM UTC+10:30 (no DST) Australia

11:00 PM UTC+11 (no DST) Micronesia, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu

12:00 AM June 9th UTC+11 Russia

11:30 PM UTC+11:30 (no DST) Norfolk Islands

12:00 AM June 9 th UTC+12 (no DST) Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Wake Island, Wallis and Futuna

1:00 AM June 9 th UTC+12 Russia

12:45 AM June 9 th UTC+12:45 (no DST) New Zealand

1:00 AM June 9 th UTC+13 (no DST) Kiribati, Tonga

2:00 AM June 9th UTC+14 (no DST) Kiribati