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For 7 thousand years we have been innocently
speaking into existence a world for Satan. Our culture, lifestyle, even our religions have been
shaped by the adversary through us. Unfortunately everything Satan has taught mankind since the day Eve chose him, the
Tree of Good and Evil, is designed to kill, steal and destroy. We've done a great job serving him. Look around you. We kill our own species as well as the rest of God's creation. We lie, cheat and steal from one another, Satan's world compliments our efforts calling us clever and shrewd. We in fact
destroy the earth itself with our weapons of war and the huge equipment we use in the name of progress leaving thousands of acres barren and not fit for anything. How did we manage to accomplish all this? Through
Satan's thinking and our speaking his thoughts into existence. We must therefore learn to guard our mouths! Pay close attention to what we speak! We need to remember that in our simple daily conversations we continue to speak things into being. It is a part of our created makeup. So if we form our
thoughts from a worldly database, this aids in the further
establishment of this world and the dead works of man.
Let me explain. Keeping in mind we were
created in the image of God, Father said, "let there be light", and there was. Guess what, we were created to do the same thing, but when
Eve chose Satan's wisdom she handed her
flesh the reins. Her spirit, created to be in control,
became dormant and she lowered herself by becoming a
resident of this soulish carnal world, turning her back on the Kingdom of God. Her ability to speak things into existence, her natural talents and gifting would now be exercised for this soulish realm. Adam followed his wife's example and together they became
perfect puppets for the enemy's use. Satan and all the
evil beings that follow him desperately need man as
they are spirits and can do nothing on this earth without
a body to live in and a mouth to speak their will into being. They have been
using mankind to carry out their desires since the garden. In other words, man has voiced Satan's plans into reality for all these years.
God had a plan. He gave us a way to be
born again through His Word or "called" us into being and then through His Spirit
revived our dormant human spirit. He restored the original language given to us at creation as well as the abilities we originally had through what is known as the gifts of the Spirit to our spirit man. So it is through
our spirit making connection with the Holy Spirit that we prophesy, function in word of knowledge, discern spirits etc., or at least this is how it should be. Without the leading of our spirit man however, the
soul guided by the flesh will be in control and using the gifting of God for the enemy. Thus the world has
psychics, spiritualists, fortune tellers, and in more of the church than we want to believe, showmen and fakes. Our spirit man on the other hand is not designed to see and hear into Satan's world nor does he
draw from our worldly database. His knowledge comes purely from the mind of Christ. It is from
this knowledge the Kingdom of God is established, miracles are performed and the impossible is made possible. Our flesh and our soul man
cannot understand the language of our spirit any more than they can relate to the knowledge of God. In fact, the
intellectuals of this world, astute in the knowledge of Satan, are frightened of the supernatural, mock God's knowledge and do their best to draw away from it. The interpretation of the ancient language of our spirit has therefore been kept private between our spirit man and God. In this way the Lord's people, although held captive by the enemy and fed lies through the world's knowledge, have been able to talk to their Father through what we call our prayer language.
Line upon line, precept upon precept, over the ages God's Spirit-filled people have acquired enough of His knowledge through the communication of their
spirit with the Holy Spirit to return to Him and at least partially come out from under the influence of the enemy. We call this insight into scripture rhema, but it is actually the Lord
opening our understanding and filtering truth to our minds via our spirit man so we can move forward in the plan of God towards our restoration.
How do we begin to
turn the fate of the human race around? For one thing we can begin this adventure by yanking the reins out of the grip of our flesh allowing our soul man to return to his subordinate position to our spirit and
letting our spirit lead. Jesus didn't worry about His fleshly body and neither should we.
Matthew 6:31-33
31 "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' (All the things our flesh worries about.)
32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek (people that don't know God). For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
In other words, turn our minds from this world and all the things our carnal selves hold dear and apply our efforts to those things that will be eternal.
To do this our values must be reshaped. God promises an
eternal Kingdom ruled by His people, so not only is His Kingdom everlasting, His
people are to be eternal also. We should be doing all we can to establish the Kingdom, its laws, its principles, its knowledge so mankind can be restored. Instead of wasting our time studying the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil taught by the world's educational systems, we should be studying the law of God. Reading the scriptures as they are God's will for us, his law concerning us, so when spoken our testimony can stand victoriously against the
accuser of the brethren, Satan. When we know the law of God and walk in it, stand firmly by it, we
win the case as we are backed by the authority behind that law, God Almighty! Look at the glorious things that would happen if we could grasp this truth. As an example, there would be none, I say none sick among us based on the law Jesus bore our infirmities and took our diseases and by His stripes we are healed. One day, as we truly understand all that Jesus did for us and we stand together united in our spirits in the knowledge of God, we will
rejoice in the laws of God as they will not only be our salvation, but our restoration.
As a side note: Did you know when Jesus drank of the sour wine at the end on the cross He took our deterioration and degeneration with Him and said, "It Is Finished". In other words He
took corruption to the grave in our place so that the law found in I Corinthians 15:53-54 could be fulfilled.
I Corinthians 15:53-54
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written (law): "Death is swallowed up in victory."
did it all! He absolutely covered all bases!
He as the resurrected Word brought
victory over the knowledge of Satan for all of humanity but, and this is a big key, we must know the laws to speak them into being. We have to be able to quote them as needed. We can't let our flesh get involved either as it will cause us
to waver taking us out from under the law's covering. We can't speak the law of God and walk out the knowledge of Satan. By His stripes we are healed comes out of our mouth, but we reach for the meds to get relief. This is
being double minded and the law can't work on our behalf. Each of us I'm sure has experienced failure of some sort in these areas thus making it very difficult to hang onto the law. But, if we assemble ourselves together and all the more so as the end draws near as the Word says, someone of us will have knowledge of the corresponding law and the experience of it working that can take a stand on behalf of the less mature or weaker one. As individuals it's much harder. That's why God says
be in one accord, unite and don't let the enemy divide or divert us. We back each other by knowing the law. In other words as a body we can win.
I warn you, the
soul man led by flesh will try hard to stop us from uniting. It makes us fault-finding, accusing, competitive, and all about self. The flesh really does not even love God beyond self-preservation. The fact is, our flesh is quite comfortable in this world and does not think or care about the new heaven and new earth that is to be established. Flesh will leave that up to others that is unless its life is being threatened. In distress the carnal soul led by the
flesh will become quite religious, but not necessarily a law-abiding citizen of the Kingdom. All our flesh will do is make our soul man angry with God, because things don't work out for us according to scripture we may have read, but not personally really believed in or walked in. Our spirit man, on the other hand, sees the laws on our hearts and minds and selects the appropriate laws to overcome our situation. If we have
fed the Word of God to our memory bank, our spirit can filter the law from our mind to our soul man that can now recognize it bringing victory to our daily lives.
In closing, for 7 thousand years we have been doing everything Satan's way according to his knowledge.
Time to change don't you think? Time God's knowledge is accepted and His plan carried out. We can do it, because
it's already done, it is finished, it's law. Jesus did it all for us. Our victory is indisputable, God's sovereignty is behind it,
His covenants guarantee it. All we have to do is believe and speak it into being. So let our goal be to
establish God's Kingdom and make sure the path we are walking is the trail to eternity. Establishing the Kingdom is up to us.