Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor

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God came down to see the city,
With its tower that the sons of man had built.
The people were united with one language and one vision,
Led by Satan they were building without guilt.

To stop them - God confused their language.
He scattered them across the earth that day.
The city with its tower known as Babylon or Babel
was discontinued, yet they found another way.

Now once again she is an evil city,
A tower built in the hearts of carnal man.
She's the church made up from those that walk in lawlessness and darkness,
She's the wife and the opposer of the Lamb.

But God is calling up His army,
Predestined before the earth was formed:
These also have one language,
and they too have but one vision:
And in His likeness and His image they are born.


And they are flesh of His flesh, they are bone of His bone:
They speak only truth, they are bound to Him alone.
Truth will conquer lies and once more Babylon will cease,
Those of His bone will pulverize as well, the armies of the beast.


They will see eye to eye, united they stand
Speaking the same language, manifesting the Lamb
As the body of Christ, the warrior Bride
Eternal ones, manifested Sons,
Children of Light, Children of Light.
Warriors, Mighty Warriors. Children of the Light.