Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor
Who are those that devour and subdue with a slingstone?
And who are they that drink and roar as with wine?
Who are these filled with the blood of the Father?
And who are these released from the bondage of time?
This is His army: His end time weapons of war,
These are His chosen ones He's faithful to restore.
He'll blow the trumpet, and sit as judge through them,
And reign as King, Priest, Prophet,
Forever and ever Amen.
These are His warriors, children of the new Day:
These are those that shine as jewels in His crown.
The Lord of Host rises to defend them:
He lifts them high as a banner over His land.
This is His army: His end time weapons of war,
These are His chosen ones He's faithful to restore.
He'll blow the trumpet, and sit as judge through them,
And reign as King, Priest, Prophet,
Forever and ever Amen.
And reign as King, Priest, Prophet,
Forever and ever Amen.
Zion Warrior, chosen ones to possess the land.
They will lead all Israel,
Who will follow them as a sheep follows the ram.
Zion Warrior, sprout of Jacob,
Springing up now from the land:
Jacob's stand.