Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor

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The Spirit says in latter times some will leave the faith,
Giving heed to deceiving spirits, their convictions are a waste.
They speak their lies in hypocrisy, their doctrines must be feared.
Built on pride and a lust for fame, their conscience hard and seared.


We must expose false doctrines, and meditate on truth -
And eat from tree of righteousness, the ones that bear good fruit.
The fruit of man's traditions from the tree of intellect
Will leave your life in ruin, and God's word of no effect.

Jesus warned us to take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees.
They mock and scoff and feed man lies, the truth they cannot see.
They're like the fig tree that had leaves, but never bore good fruit:
He'll curse them like He cursed that tree, they'll wither from the root.


We must expose false doctrines, and meditate on truth -
And eat from tree of righteousness, the ones that bear good fruit.
The fruit of man's traditions from the tree of intellect
Will leave your life in ruin, and God's word of no effect.
Will leave your life in ruin, and God's word of no effect.


If you eat of the tree of good and evil,
With its leaves of false doctrines,
You will bear the fruit of man's tradition,
And you will die - you'll believe the lie.