Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor

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All creation's waiting eagerly for the appearing of the children of the Lord.
How long must the land mourn as the herbs of the field wither and fade?
How long will the animals and fowl be consumed as in the day and time of Moses.
Oh Lord how much longer till this old world passes away and You introduce the new day?


Waterless clouds filled with lies and deceit surround us:
Unfruitful autumn trees, whipped by winds of false doctrine fall on our land.
They sell us out like Balaam for the pleasures of this world,
They come against Your leaders just like Korah.
They're wicked as Cain, a useless latter harvest,
In delusion they think they're on Your side, not seeing that they come against Your Bride.


Waterless clouds filled with lies and deceit surround us:
Unfruitful autumn trees, whipped by winds of false doctrine fall on our land.
They sell us out like Balaam for the pleasures of this world,
They come against Your leaders just like Korah.
They're wicked as Cain, a useless latter harvest,
In delusion they think they're on Your side, not seeing that they come against Your Bride.


Hasten the day, let Your Kingdom be established,
Hasten the day, hasten the day.