Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor
For those that wait on the Lord, many promises are made:
We shall mount up with wings like the eagle so bold.
We can rise above all, carried high upon the wind.
We shall spread our wings of peace and joy
And in victory soar with Him.
We are strengthened by His power, and girded from above.
He's a fortress and a tower to those that come to Him in love.
He's a resting place for all that come, and His mercy never dims.
Like eagles we can face the storms, and in boldness follow Him.
As the eagle stirs her nest, so the lord will move us on
Ever forward to perfection, in His footsteps, by His Light.
We are grounded in His Word, and our eyes see only Him.
We will fly by faith in Yeshua, like the eagle trusts the wind.
Like the eagle trusts the wind.
We'll fly with Yeshua, like the eagle trusts the wind.