Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor

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The angel sang his song to Eve, it made her turn her head:
A beautiful and beguiling tune, the woman was misled.
Where wisdom had her home in Eve, she quickly would depart:
As the song of Satan entered her, she birthed sin within Eve's heart.


She was a tree of righteousness, a planting of the Lord,
But through the song of Satan, man's intellect was born.

As Adam looked upon his wife, he heard a different song.
Though wonderful and exciting, he knew that it was wrong.
The song of love his Father sang in the coolness of the day
Birthed joy and life eternal, but he chose death anyway.


She was a tree of righteousness, a planting of the Lord,
But through the song of Satan, man's intellect was born.

Now we are still listening to the same old song today:
Instead of life eternal, we chose sorrow and decay.
We could live forever, and our bodies be restored
If we turn deaf ears to Satan's song, and listen to the Song of the Lord.


She was a tree of righteousness, a planting of the Lord,
But through the song of Satan, man's intellect was born.


She was a tree of righteousness, a planting of the Lord.
She's now the tree of good and evil- man's intellect is born.
The tree of good and evil - man's intellect is born.