Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor
United in one body, our feet planted on the Rock,
We're the dwelling place where wisdom found her home.
With the courage of the lion and the power of the ox,
We're soldiers of God, powerful Prevailing Prince,
The ones that rule with the Almighty.
We're Israel, Warriors of God - Israel, Warriors of God
Farsighted as the eagle, we soar quickly at command
As the mystery of God's will explodes in light.
Predestined for His purpose, sealed with all authority,
We're soldiers of God, powerful Prevailing Prince,
Ones who rule with the Almighty.
We're Israel, Warriors of God - Israel, Warriors of God.
We're Israel, Warriors of God - Israel, Warriors of God.
A people prepared for war.
Created to praise the Lord:
Sion Warriors, soldiers of the light appearing in the dawning
Dispelling the lie,
We're Israel, warriors of the Most High.
We're Israel, we're Israel, mighty warriors.