Lyrics & Music by: Jacquelyn Fedor

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A meek and humble people 
That trust the name of the Lord
Will rejoice and assemble together, 
And walk in one accord.
Their language will be pure: 
In them there is no sin,
For the Lord of Hosts protects them, 
And victoriously dwells within.


And He will greet them with His love,
And rejoice over them with song.
They will walk in righteousness,
For the Lord will make them strong,
For the Lord will make them strong.

The word says out of Zion 
The law of God goes forth
Through His called and chosen warriors, 
Submitted to the Lord.
And David's tabernacle will be restored again.
To the newborn seed of Abraham, 
The promises begin.


And He will greet them with His love,
And rejoice over them with song.
They will walk in righteousness,
For the Lord will make them strong,
For the Lord will make them strong.


And the Lord God will bless them:
These are the children of the Lord.
Born again seed of Abraham
That He will restore.
The promises begin, the promises begin:
It's beginning to rain.